Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Striving to Succeed in Law!!

As I've mentioned in my "About Me" section, I plan on majoring in criminology/pre-law for undergrad and then advancing on to law school with hopes of eventually becoming a prosecutor. Although requirements will be different for all schools and all majors, I can share some of the requirements for the state school I plan on going to for majors like mine and ones similar to it.
For IUP (Indiana University of Pennsylvania):
  1. Crimonology/Pre-law - This is said to be one of the most appropraite majors for a person pursuing criminal justice. By taking this major, you'd recieve the preperation needed for law school as well as the qualifications needed for a career in criminal justice. There are five required crimonology classes plus you'd have to choose two from the following categories: The Criminal Justice System, Critical Issues in Criminology, and Diverisity Issues in Criminology. The department also offers courses that focus on law, such as Survey of Courts and the Criminal Justice System, Law, Social Control and Society, and Criminal Law. For the Pre-Law track, courses would include seven that cover English, Business, Economics, History, Philosophy, and Political Science.
  2. English/Pre-law - With this major, you'd be encouraged to design your own course of study including literature, lauguage, and writing. After the basics, you'd focus on a specific track (Film Studies; Language Studies; Literacy, Textual, and Cultural Studies, Writing Studies, or English Pre-law). If you choose to go the English Pre-law track, you'd be focusing primarily on persuasive communication, interpretation, relationships among language, and cultural power.
  3. History/Pre-law - Here you would choose to study a broad range of topics such as colonial America, medieval Europe, ancient Greece, Native Americans, early China, the Civil War, Russia, and the Middle East. Because this is a pre-law course you would also take classes covering criminology, economics, history, philosophy, and political science.
  4. Political Science/Pre-law - These classes will prepare you for a career in government. Several areas you'll choose from include American Studies, Political Theory, Public Policy and Administration, International Studies, and General Political Science. In addition, you'll take courses covering business, criminology, economics, English, history, and philosophy.
As you can see, there are tons of different majors you can choose for undergraduate school if you are planning to go into the criminal justice field. These are not all of the majors that include a pre-law track at IUP, but they are most of them. However, as I said, these are only the programs at IUP - a Pennsylvania state school. You can check out any other majors at any other schools by looking on their websites under "Academics."

As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to IUP for Criminology/Pre-law!! It's a good thing I like school. Sounds like I'm going to be there for quite a long time!! (:

info from

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