Thursday, March 29, 2012

Becoming a CSI

Ever consider becoming a CSI like on the TV? Contrary to popular belief, it's not all fun and games like depicted in the many shows. Here are some frequently asked questions and the answers about becoming a criminal investigator.
  1. What does a Crime Scene Investigator do? CSI's typically handle more complex cases such as homicides, sexual assults, and robberies. They evalaute crime scenes using advanced equiptment and techniques. They are responsible for collecting, handling and packaging evidence. They also have the responsibility of photographing when necessary.
  2. Do you have to become a police officer first? Yes, right now there is no way around this.
  3. How long will it take to become a CSI? Anywhere between 6 to 10 years from the time you graduate high school. This includes the time spent at college. Again, first you must become a police officer and then you can proceed.
  4. How much money do CSI's make? Typically, CSI's can expect to make around $40,000.

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