Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kidnapping & Abuse

As far as I'm concerned, a parent's worst nightmare is the kidnapping of their child. Last weekend, my mother and I went shopping in Sam's Club. All of a sudden, my sugar dropped really low. She went to the food stand and got me some pizza. We both sat there in silence eating. When my blood sugar came back up and I was more coherent, I began reading the ads on the billboard. It broke my heart to see the age enhanced faces of missing children - to see that they've been lost for that long. I began asking my mother questions like "What happens to them? Do they runaway? Are they ever found? Why would someone take a child?" She couldn't answer my question.  Instead, she told me to look it up.

Here are some cases of kidnapping where the truth came out. Let's take a look at what happened:
  • Masha
    • Masha lived in a Russian orphanage when an American man decided he wanted to adopt her. He was divorced but no background checks or follow-up visits were ever conducted. He took her home and immediately began sexually assulting her. Soon after, he started using her for internet child pornography. Several years after the adoption, police rescued Masha. They only began looking for her because her pictures were pasted all over the internet.
  • Elizabeth Fritzel
    • Joseph Fritzel, Elizabeth's father, kept her locked in a secret basement in Austraila for 24 years, along with three children that he fathered to her. Supposedly, the Fritzel family was shocked to find out what was going on in the cellar and said they were "completely unaware of Joseph's evil tendencies." The three children had been in the cellar for so long that they developed their own type of communication growls and cannot communicate with words like you and I. Elizabeth Fritzel tried to teach them and to let them have a normal life in the cellar.
  • Shawn Hornbeck & Ben Ownby
      Shawn Hornbeck
    • Michael Delvin is a convicted child molester currently serving 74 life sentences. Shawn Hornbeck lived with Delvin, disguised as father and son, for a total of four years and three months. He also participated in child pornography.

For the next blog, we will focus on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. In the meantime, check out their website at

info from
pictures from google images.

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